Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This is BBC News: Putting Great Online News Content First

One of the most respected news organizations on the planet and finest models of broadcast journalism, BBC News and Current Affairs, has set a standard for covering the world. The journalistic arm of the British Broadcasting Corporation, its online division stays loyal to the principles of the news group with its depth and diversity in reporting. On the web at news.bbc.co.uk, the website has been recognized by The Webby Awards as the special honoree in the “News” category as well as the People’s Voice Winner in the “News” category. Considered the “Oscars of the Internet,” the awards are given by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences based on six criteria: Content, Structure and Navigation, Visual Design, Functionality, Interactivity, and Overall Experience. BBC News keeps readers informed and “Puts News First” but above all stays with the BBC trademark. There is a distinct brand that consumers receive when getting their news from the BBC, whether on the radio or from television. This idea is preserved on the website for the most part. Ultimately, the site will need to push itself to incorporate more of the BBC brand to become a better service and a better website.

The Webby Awards say good content “is not just text, but music, sound, animation, or video -- anything that communicates a sites body of knowledge.” Based on that definition, to say that BBC News is rich with content is an understatement. They Webby Awards go on to say that content should be “engaging, relevant, and appropriate for the audience.” Again, the BBC delivers. Every topic the BBC reports on is well covered. The site divides the world into six regions: Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East and South Asia. Users can get their news on these different regions in multiple languages, totaling 33 in all, on the website. Additional news categories include: UK, Business, Science/Health, Technology, and Entertainment. When one clicks on an article, regardless of the section, they are immediately given context on that story. From other recent articles to analysis and historical data to help better understand the topic, the website offers a side panel with a variety of options to help readers learn more. Having these options separated rather than sprinkling them into one story allows for concise articles that easily lead to analysis, context or historical background. For example, in a recent story entitled Vatican ‘clarifies’ pope speech, on the left side of the page were regular features of the BBC navigation bar. On the right, users could find links to other stories about Pope Benedict XVI, features and analysis on the current controversy, an in-depth section on the pope, related internet links as well as other stories happening in Europe.

The site is truly a wealth of information with unique features like Country Profiles. These offer encyclopedia entries on the nation of interest along with an index of recent text and multimedia stories including online exclusive special reports. For the Republic of India, the site introduces the country with this short paragraph: “The world's largest democracy and second most populous country has emerged as a major power after a period of foreign rule and several decades during which its economy was virtually closed.” Following the introduction is an overview as well as the additional content mentioned above. Other online news groups offer similar services but never as many or as frequently as the BBC.

Multimedia is becoming a defining element in quality news sites. Whenever possible, relevant video and audio are made available by link in articles. There is a small section of video and audio on the main page with additional video or audio clips presented as “special features” at the top of the page. Links to one type of media are frequently shown when one logs on to the site. In terms of the Web Style Guide, the MLA equivalent guide for properly formatting a website, BBC audio could quite possibly be the gold standard. The guide explains that audio is “an extremely effective way” to deliver information and proclaims “audio only” as a great way to enhance the presentation of a website. The quality of the audio is impeccable and one of the site’s strongest features.

As for news consumption, in general, it tends to be consumed by older, educated, and wealthy members of society. In the case of the internet, all is true except for the age. Eighty-eight percent of 18 to 29 year olds use the internet compared to 32 percent of those 65 years old and above, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. One of the challanges for the BBC and the news media is to make their sites more attractive to the majority of the internet audience rather than depending on their poll of readers and viewers. There is some promising data to encourage future online journalists. Pew found that68 percent of those surveyed said they “Get News” as an internet activity. However, less than a third say they do it daily.

Navigation is general, is another strong point of the site. Content is well organized and the navigation among topics, regions, and services is crystal clear. This stays in line with the expectations of The Webby Awards criteria, which says navigation should be “consistent, intuitive and transparent.” Additionally, it should get “you where you want to go quickly and [offer] easy access to the breadth and depth of the site's content.” According to the Web Style Guide, “A rich set of graphic navigation and interactivity links within your Web pages will pull users' attention down the page, weaning them from the general-purpose browser links and drawing them further into your content.” On the BBC News homepage, the main tool bar achieves this by offering navigation in both modern and unconventional ways. Links lead users to the front of sections of the six regions of the world, and other news topics. Additionally, a map is available for one to click on the region they want more news on, a feature that appears to be exclusive to BBC News. As discussed earlier, each news story is bracketed by two bars offering direction for the user’s next move. This easy to follow setup leads users to related stories as well as analysis and historical background. Having these features consistently located in the same place allows for a format users can depend on.

Visually, the site is pleasing as well. “Good visual design is high quality, appropriate, and relevant for the audience and the message it is supporting. It communicates a visual experience and may even take your breath away,” according to The Webby Awards. The website matches the color scheme of the BBC and also captures the simple style of the on-air graphics used by the news group’s different channels.

The site is quite functional based on The Webby Awards’ standards, which states that a site “loads quickly, has live links, and any new technology used is functional and relevant for the intended audience.” On BBC News’s website, media clips do load quickly on the application of your choice, Windows Media Player or Real One Player. Elements of the website suggest the BBC is in tune with the latest forms of news delivery. Listed as “Products and Services,” the site offers users the chance to get their news by e-mail, cell phone, desktop alert, RSS News Feed, and podcast.

Have Your Say allows the world to speak back about what they are hearing or seeing from BBC News. The feature is just one way that the site meets the requirements for They Webby Awards. Good interactivity allows the user “to give and receive.” It also “insists that you participate, not spectate” the awards criteria says. Recently, the section asked for thoughts from readers on the situation in Lebanon. The site gave a short summary of the tension between Lebanon and its government’s opposition and then asked, “Are you Lebanese? What is Hezbollah's standing in Lebanon? Do you agree with its tactics for gaining more power? How can the opposing sides resolve their differences?” Responses varied in tone and emotion. A comment by Ahmed Matala said simply “the demo [demonstration] is bad news for the two U's, uk and usa.” While others were more upset and added longer posts. Part of Craig Cudworth’s comments said “Did a lot of people just forget this summer's events Israel fully backed by the USA bombed and killed thousands of people!”

In addition to posting messages in discussions on all the major topics of the day, BBC News online visitors can also put on their journalism cap by sending their pictures and stories. Some of the comments supplied by readers will be added directly into news articles as links and perspective to users. The BBC’s broadcast divisions have segments and programs devoted to letting people have their say, and clips of these are available on online.

When it comes to areas of improvement, the delivery of video is of greatest concern for the site as it is below standards. There is no hub for video or audio like there is on other sites, this causes readers to look for that kind of content in comparison to other sites that almost throw video at readers. Many rival sites actually offer completely separate pages storing the latest video in addition to archiving older clips. The Web Style Guide explains that there are so many complications with video that it is the “most challenging multimedia content to deliver on the web.” The key, according to the guide, is to “shoot original video.” Something the BBC clearly does not do, instead it recycles video from its collection of TV channels. The structure of the display of media clips is problematic as it is spotty throughout the website. One knows where to look for these features but they are not easily available.

In addition to issues of navigation; the site does by no means “take your breath away” as outlined by the Webby Awards criteria. BBC News comes off as a little on the simple side of graphics at times. While the site is well organized, the simple white background and small font can sometimes appear squeezed. A key element to the BBC on television is the moving graphics that cut from segment to segment and the moving letters that form phrases on the screen. A ticker on the site is reminiscent of that idea but besides that lone feature and the colors atop the BBC News homepage, the website is bare and lacking excitement.

There is the option for “low graphics” which takes the site to an even more simplistic state, making the site appear as if it is a high school project. In reality, users probably wish there was a “high graphics” option to step up the visual appearance of the site. The Web Style Guide explains that most news sites have “adapted the existing design genres of print newspapers.” While the BBC is guilty of this, the site comes off as much more cleaner and attractive than that of The New York Times.

The overall experience at BBC News is rewarding as readers will always leave the site smarter and more informed. The Webby Awards say a user has “probably had a good overall experience if (s)he comes back regularly, places a bookmark, signs up for a newsletter, participates, emails the site to a friend, or stays for a while, intrigued.” This site is one that many consumers will want to make a part of their routine. It is well built and nicely organized but its content is what places it in a league of its own. Moving forward, the BBC will hopefully integrate more of what we see on-air, online. The programs and reports that made BBC News one of the most respected names in journalism should be easily available. Additionally, the signature look of the networks should be stepped up online. They are attempting to match that simple, smooth look seen on TV but it is not there, yet. Doing this will only make a great site better.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Remembering 9/11: Our Anchors

In a world where broadcast journalism is criticized multiple times daily, 9/11 is a day that everyone points to as one of the finest moments in the medium's history. Central to this belief was the coverage found on the broadcast networks anchored by Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, and Dan Rather. Five years later, one way or another, we were reminded of their exceptional coverage. If it was NBC's ability to turn to Brokaw or ABC's inability to bring back Jennings we missed having them in the anchor chair. I have commented on the blogs of these news organizations to reflect personally on these two men and their importance to this field in regards to 9/11. On anniversaries like 9/11/06, it reminds us of how good these three were and how lucky we were to have them for as long as we did. Their presence is irreplaceable. The new generation of Couric, Gibson, and Williams are off to a great start but achieving the status once had by their predecessors will be a challenge that defines their careers, something Brokaw, Jennings, and Rather faced themselves in the post Walter Cronkite era. It is hard to say but most likely those of us who are the future of this business, will have trouble taking the reign over our predecessors as well. For now, the fact remains that we are committed and will cross that bridge when we get there. 9/11/01 was not the day I decided to begin "training" to become a broadcast journalist but it like no other day reinforced why I decided to become one.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Internships: Applicants Must Pay (or Receive Credit)

All broadcast journalists in training know that part of the "work out" at any J-School is interning in a broadcast news outlet. The opportunity is comparable to a beginning level job with a real news operation and exposes students to a professional newsroom, an experience not available inside the classroom or even on-campus. Of course there is a catch, most internships are unpaid. Therefore, someone decided that receiving academic credit would be ample compensation for students. They were wrong; credit is not an acceptable trade for all the efforts of an intern, these students must be paid for their hard work. News organizations that gave hourly wages to their interns would offer less spots and therefore create a more competitive environment. In turn, the students chosen would take on more responsibility and walk away with a greater experience. In the end, soon-to-be professional journalists would be better prepared when that first day on the job arrives. The quality of journalism would be raised and the public could count on the next generation to manage and uphold the Fourth Estate.

Currently, "federal labor law requires that students" who are interning either get paid by their employer or be enrolled in an internship for-credit course, the USC Career Planning and
Placement Center says. But this is not fair. Internship sites act as if they are looking out for students by insisting that their interns receive credit. While it is the law, the language used on their websites suggest that news outlets believe they are doing interns a favor.

On the websites of two popular internship destinations among USC students, ABC News and KNBC, this language is evident. ABC News says that "Applicants must receive academic credit in return for the internship." The same message is delivered by KNBC, the station says that because interns are not being paid they "must" earn credit.

The problem arises when meeting this requirement takes students beyond the normal amount of coursework. This occurs when students intern during an academic term in which they are taking on a full load of courses or when participating in an internship over the summer. Which happens to be the case for many students in the Annenberg School.

At USC, a full-time undergraduate student is defined as taking 12-18 units a semester. Students have the choice to register for any amount of classes in that range after paying for that semester's tuition, which at USC is no small feat. Based on the curriculum at Annenberg, many students choose to take all 18 units and are forced to register for more units to be eligible for an internship during a given semester.

The best course for students in this situation would be JOUR-090x, "Internships in the Media." While it does not count towards degree credit it is geared towards journalism majors. Students can take up to 8 units in this class during their time at USC, taking one unit for each internship. This is perfect for students taking 16 units during a semester (the norm at USC). It is problematic for students taking 18 units as they need to pay for this additional unit. At the undergraduate level, one unit will set them back $1,121. Suddenly, that "unpaid" internship is quite costly. Students not wanting to pay that much can go to a nearby junior college like Santa Monica College, where the cost for an internship course might be anywhere from half to one-fifth of that at USC. But for an Annenberg major, this credit would equate to nothing as it will not advance their studies towards a degree at their school or a junior college.

Even if students have the funds for this additional unit, it is time consuming. For those students taking on a full-load, they have busy schedules that require them to be engaged not only in journalism but other disciplines on-campus. Other departments may not be as sympathetic to internships and will expect students, regardless of their major, to give ample attention to their classes. At the same time, these journalism majors who are taking 18 units are enriching their journalism education with areas of expertise to aid them in their careers. The extra units allow for student to pick up additional minors and majors to complement their journalism education. They also fall within the J-School guidelines for accreditation.

Which leads to a potentially larger problem for students who decide to take their internship credit at Annenberg. As an accredited institution, there are certain guidelines the school must follow. These standards, set by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, have specific requirements for the makeup of degrees in the country's leading institutions. Under "Curriculum and Instruction" the council explains that students must "take a minimum of 80 semester credit hours or 116 quarter credit hours" outside of their major and "a minimum of 65 semester credit hours or 94 quarter credit hours in the liberal arts and sciences." At USC, that means a Bachelors of Arts in Broadcast Journalism, which totals 128 units, will only have 48 coming from the School of Journalism. This requires Annenberg students to spend their units in the J-School wisely, in some cases, making them choose between internship credit and upper division courses designed to improve their technique and style or offer them historical perspective.

The Broadcast Journalism major at USC totals 40 units. So students are allowed to take up to two more courses in the School of Journalism. Since most courses are 4 units, if students use one of those 8 remaining units for internship credit, they will be restricted to only one 4 unit course and one 2 unit course, which are limited in selection. If they register for internship credit three times, they will not have room for that additional 2 unit course. Again, this may force students to choose between classes and internships. This should never be the case, internships are supposed to supplement the education in the classroom to create the proper training for future broadcast journalists.

The Bottom Line: Paid interns will be better interns who will become better journalists. An arena with fewer, more competitive internships would create more meaningful opportunities for students and better prepare them for their career. The stereotype of interns getting coffee and making copies would be eliminated. Instead, students would be getting better training and experiencing more while in a professional setting. Viewers and news consumers could rest assured that the state of journalism would be at a new high rather than a low. All would be better if interns got paid for internships, rather then having to pay for them.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Studying at USC: The Annenberg Advantage

While an education rich in the humanities and a love for writing was all one might have needed for a career in journalism in the past, these days the future reporters and producers of the world need training and guidance to stay competitive in a crowding field.

Enter the School of Journalism at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication. Located in the heart of Los Angeles, the Annenberg School offers one of the top programs for aspiring journalists.

Like many journalism programs, Annenberg has a distinguished faculty as well as multiple platforms for students to gain experience. An education at Annenberg, like many other schools, has a foundation in the basics. Courses for journalism majors require students to spend an entire semester improving their writing skills. Subsequent terms build off of this to improve their reporting and production abilities. Together, these three components make up the Annenberg Convergence Core Curriculum. Unique to USC, the broadcast and print sequences have students study each other’s style as well as the online medium. This portion of the major pushes students head first into the program and gives them the skills needed to become more than proficient in all three formats and some of the best in the business for their selected method.

The Annenberg School’s decision to be one of the first to embrace the changing landscape of journalism education has not gone unnoticed.

Back in March of 2002, Steve Outing spotlighted the fact that Annenberg was one of the first schools to take this big step forward in Editor and Publisher Online. Larry Pryor, a professor at USC, helped implement the online portion of “the core” at Annenberg. On the site he founded with USC Annenberg, the Online Journalism Review, he explains the success and weaknesses of the program. As the program improves, other schools stand to gain from USC’s pioneering move. “I admire them for their efforts,” Paul Grabowicz says. As the New Media Program Director at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, he responds to Pryor’s article explaining that some schools cannot afford to implement a program like USC chose to. His advice to those unable to fit the bill is to wait and see until a more reassuring approach can be identified. In the end, Grabowicz believes that everyone will benefit from the lessons learned at USC.

This leads to another point. As a private research university, USC had the resources to take on such a change. The Annenberg School’s endowment alone is around $180 million. This allows for state of the art equipment in addition to the innovative curriculum.

Lastly, since the university was founded in 1880, it has taken great pride in its location, Los Angeles. The city is what places Annenberg in a league of its own from other great programs in Austin, TX; Pullman, WA or Columbia, MO. Some top programs may be located close to major media markets like Chicago, San Francisco, or Washington, DC but Los Angeles is without a doubt the media capital of the world. Two schools in the city deemed the “news capital of the world,” New York, either offer only graduate degrees in journalism or have a small program unable to offer other great resources unrelated to location. No other university has a J-School and setting that complement each other so well. Los Angeles, the country’s second largest TV market and the world’s media hub; is at USC students’ footsteps.

Altogether, the curriculum and faculty, student resources, as well as location create an Annenberg advantage found no where else.